Wash Lab SG

Curtains & Blinds Cleaning Services

Are your curtains & blinds accumulating dust, but the thought of cleaning them seems like a hassle?

The longer they go uncleaned, the more they become a haven for allergens and hidden irritants.

Dust-laden curtains or blinds not only compromise the air quality in your home, it also becomes unsightly as time goes by.

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Importance of Keeping Clean

How Does It Affect My Daily Living?

Neglecting its cleanliness can result in more than just dust buildup — it can impact your health.

If ignored, it may trigger allergies or respiratory discomfort, posing a potential risk to your well-being.

The microscopic particles clinging to your curtains can include dust mites, pet dander, and other airborne pollutants.

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Wash Lab SG

Why Clean Your Curtains & Blinds with Us?

Almost every Singapore household uses curtains or blinds.

They provide us the much-needed privacy, shading us from the hot sun, noise dampening and even preventing dust from entering into our apartments.

Cleaning the curtains can be a challenging task especially when you have multiple rooms.

Our dedicated team of curtain professionals are specialized in HDB, Private Condo & Landed Property.

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Be a Part of Wash Lab

Give Yourself a Peace of Mind

Here at Wash Lab SG, we provide highly trained professionals to remove and install your curtains.

Have multiple rooms? Not to worry as we discreetly tag each curtain and we take pictures before removal to ensure the curtains are installed in the correct rooms.

Honesty is the best policy. We will weigh, count and advice on the cleaning method on the spot, providing you with a quotation. Our price will be fixed and there will not be any changes.

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